Saturday, May 5, 2012

Free swimming fry!!!

Here is a video of the fry with daddy right before I removed him, they are swimming around nicely.

Last night  I was soo excited  I couldnt sleep until 2am (well I made myself go to sleep then).  Daddy has been removed, first feeding of microworms has been added.  Unfortunately my microworm cultures (3) have all crashed, only a lil bit of worms, yikes!  So i started 2 more, and hopefully they take off quickly.  I had enough worms for the first feeding (i think - its all trial and error) and I also added some decapsolulated brine shrimp eggs just in case, even though i dont think they will eat them before they do not move and they prefer food that moves.  Definitely have around 200, and hopefully close to that survive, I know with my first spawning I will be lucky if one lives, but I have high hopes, since I have done sooo much research and planning. 

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